I love Laura and Adam. Love ’em. They are absolutely one of the sweetest couples I have ever had the opportunity to work with. They live in Edwardsville, and wanted to have the session over there so that they could bring Laura’s dog Gus. Good ol’ Gus. I had never shot in Edwardsville and so they asked if I wanted some suggestions for places to shoot. Well, sure. Not going to turn that down.So I start getting photo texts of possible locations from Laura. How awesome is that?! And can they every pick out locations. The old barn that we started out at was great, but I have to say that my favorite location was out in a field on SIUE’s campus. The light was delicious and Laura and Adam were radiant. Well, Laura was radiant and Adam was handsome.
So enjoy these two lovebirds and come back to check out their wedding, because it was a fantastic way to end my 2011 wedding season. I couldn’t have asked for more.
This one was my absolute favorite of the day.
by admin