Last weekend my parents were able to come in and visit from Indy. And because my husband is such a thinker, he decided that it would be a great time to buy our Christmas tree. Now, I always mean to buy my tree early (especially since we spend Christmas in Indianapolis), but time always manages to slip past and we get it for about a week before we have to leave. So, we bundled up and went to Hartke Nursery which is an awesome family run nursery that is right by our house. We’ve bought our tree there for the last two years (not to mention some of the best herbs and flowers for our garden) and I would never go anywhere else. The tree we got was the second one we looked at and probably the most perfect tree we have ever had. Yea!!! But what was even better that getting our tree 21 days before Christmas was that this was the first time my parents have been able to be in St. Louis to decorate our tree. My mom getting to help Noah find the perfect spots on the tree for his ornaments while my dad got to watch was incredibly special. Decorating the tree was always a big deal when I was young and I was really happy to be able to make it a special one for all of us this year.
Thanks again to my fabulous husband for his very thoughtful idea and thanks to my fabulous 100mm macro lens for your hard work and allowing me to get so close up.
So, enjoy my most special perfect Christmas tree… thus far…
Merry Christmas!!!
by admin